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Hands on and Distance Healing through the Psychic Pathway
Basic Healing

Healing Work is performed by placing light touch on various spots on the body that need to be energized.  The energy is passed in the form of universal energy by connecting points to one another. The electrical circuitry between the points touched reconnect and activate and you will experience immediate pain or pressure release, waves of energy, lightening of stress and tension.


Through this healing your electrical field is rebuilt, immune system strengthens, intuition turns on and a meditative peace appears.  This work also clears the source of pain or obstruction from the structure of the body.

Advanced Spiritual

In the P-Healing Technique we format a whole "new" meridian-type system. This work rewires and re-programs the body to connect in ways that regulate the flow of universal energy in the body. The higher source energy is light and life force that, when flowing properly in our physical and etheric bodies, replenishes the other meridian systems such as those used in acupuncture and Shiatsu, and keeps them open and flowing. 


More importantly, this energy flushes old residual tension so that a person can fully accept purpose, destiny and path of highest potential.  It recodes the body with spiritual knowing and insights for following abundantly.


This energy source essentially consists of light frequencies from our own Higher Selves.  When we are reconnected to our Higher Selves and have our innate intelligence channels open and receiving the higher- dimensional energy, the opportunity for uniting our spirit with our physical bodies is greatly increased.  Ultimately evolving the heart and invokes love.

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